ID Cards

How To Make Best ID Card Tag, Lanyards – Simple Machine – Low Investment Buy @

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How To Make Best ID Card Tag, Lanyards – Simple Machine – Low Investment Buy @

Short Description​

Buy Here – |  Learn how to make ID card tag/lanyard/Neck Strap. Start earning from home  with very low investment. See different type of of ID Card Tags (Lanyards) ,  Hook and Holder types. there are several types ID cards tags available like  Institution ID Card Lanyards , Corporate ID Cards Lanyards Event Tags  for  more details watch entire video. 


00:00  Intro
00:03 How to make ID card tag
00:17 Machines required  for making ID card tag
00:44 Demo of how to make ID card  tag
00:50 Electric heat cutting/joining machine
01:16 how  to cut the lanyard or rope
02:27 Bulk lanyard cutting  method
03:54 How to use heavy duty joining machine
04:25  Demo of joining the lanyard
05:13 joining the lanyard with heating  machine
07:05 Joining with heavy duty machine
08:32 Die you  can fit in the heavy duty machine
09:02 How to change the  Die
11:12 different types of raw materials
13:13 different  types of joints and hooks
15:14 different types of hooks
16:30  Plastic fittings and hooks
16:54 different types of plastic raw  materials
17:08 keychain rings
17:20 horse hooks or full  fitting
17:34 Stiching joint
17:58 Direct  fitting
18:44 Other machines
19:08 Satin  Rolls
19:14 Sublimation rolls
19:28 Inkjet PVC  sheet
19:35 Binding machines
19:43 Direct PVC card  printer
19:48 Conclusion


Hello everyone and welcome  to
Abhishek Products Today we are

going to talk  about how to make
id card tag, what raw  material

is used for it and what
machinery is  required and how

you can get 12mm 16mm and  20mm

ID card tags easily

You will need  some machine to
make ID card tag or lanyard  or

cord, you have to use ID card
tag cutting  machine first, then

you need a heavy duty  joint
machine, which comes in three

variants  12mm, 16mm and 20mm.

You will have to use some  raw
material with that, such as

joint ID, card  hook and ID card
rolls. Now I will show you  a

small demo how the whole
process is  done

First of all, we have to turn
on our  electric heat cutting

machine, as soon as the  machine
is turned on, there is a red

light here,  there are two
temperature controls inside  the

machine, one high temperature,
one low  temperature, the way

the machine is heating,  these
are the blades.

become red, don’t touch the
blade,  If you touch it, your

hands will burn, cut off,  blood
will start coming, so you

should maintain a  little safety,
now I will tell you how to cut

the  ID card tag

First of all, you can take a
sleeve  roll, which is of

polyester material, even if  you
can take a cotton tagalso, like

this keep in  the table and keep
the machine near by you

Start  cutting the tags like

As soon as the tag  touches on
it, it cuts it easily

In this way you  can comfortably
cut about 19,000 to 20,000

strings  in a day and
comfortably work for its fitting

If  you want, you can also use
scissors for cutting, but  what

is the problem, when you cut it,
its  finishing comes in this way,

in this way its threads  are
coming out, but when you cut it

with the  machine, its finishing
is good

the edges are  automatically
sealed, but when you cut with

scissors,  its threads are not
completely sealed, due to  which

the finishing of the tags
decreases, now I  will tell you

how to do bulk  cutting.

In this way, 3 bundles, 4
bundles or 6  bundles gather all

at one end and cut all of  them
at the bottom, putting the tags

on the  table

Stop the path of the pen and
cut the  machine here and you

can easily cut the whole  tag
very easily and very cleanly.

We are using 3  rolls here at a
time, if can also use 10 rolls

at  a time

By putting together whatever
bulk work you  have, you can

work together, you can  make
different distance sizes such

as 13 inches,  17 inches 20
inches, the big rope has to be

cut  for the big man, and the
small rope will have to be  cut

for the small person.

You can cut  any kind of rope,
whether it is satin,  polyester,

flat rope, double tube sleeve
is  white, any kind of rope,

nylon, polyster or China  tag,
you can easily cut it,

so this was little  demo to
shows you how to cut your rope?

As soon  as the machine is done,
you have to switch it off from


And  after that I have to press
the off button once on it  here

We will use this machine one
more time  later, the machine

you are using to cut the rope
is  also used to connect our

ropes, while the machine  will
also be useful for connecting

your ropes.  Watch the video
till the end to understand  this

topic. Now

I am going to tell you  how to
use heavy duty joint machine?

This is a  heavy duty joint
machine because it connects  the

cut cord into a circle, it is
pressed in this  way and with it

we have three options whether
you  distance them in 12mm, 16mm

or 20mm

Or  whether you make a 20 mm rope

What ever the material  be

the rope like polyester, satin,
cotton, nylon  the process of

cutting the rope is same and
the  procedure for joining the

rope is also the same, now  I
will tell you by making a  rope


We will take any one of  our
rope and if our rope is 12 mm,

then we will  take our normal 12
mm ordinary hook which  looks

like this

And we will take a  joint of
ours that looks like this, both

are 12  mm size, two are 12 mm

After putting the  rope inside
the joint, take it right into

the  center.

In this way, the rope will come
to the  center and after that

you have to join the  rope

Hold both corners of the rope
after putting  the joints

After catching the connie you
have to  take both corners

around the heat  machine.

You have to save your hand,
just warm  the rope a little and

press it in this way and  the
string will be combined in this

way, in the  same way you have
to joint all your ropes

Now we  have to make it
permanent after putting it

inside  the joint machine.

I will tell you after  making
two more tags

Whenever you are joining,  the
rope should be straight, there

should be no  fold inside it,
you have to take the  rope

straight, suppose you have
taken the rope,  when you are

joining, the rope was turned in
such  a way that the rope was

turned inside it, in this  way
you have to take it inside.

There was a twist  and when you
fit inside it, the twist will

come  even within the entire
rope, so when you are making  a

rope you will start make in
this way, the rope  must be very

straight when joining, then you
get  a good finish.

One more time I will tell you
that  when you are fitting,

straighten the rope in such  a
way, there should be any twist

inside  it,

Properly fit it, warm it up and
fit it  here

It is a little hot, we have to
press with  our hands, otherwise

we will not be able to  work,
now we have to tighten this

hook and this  joint.

The machine is very hot, switch
off the  machine at regular

intervel machine for  your
saftey, the machine is still

very hot, we  have to leave it
in the off position for at

least  ten minutes, do not put
our hands around its blade  and

next is our option.

We have heavy  duty machines.

use heavy duty machine to join
the  hook, take black color

joint, from where we  connected
it, take the joint it, put  the


After inserting the joint,  we
will fit it inside our machine.

Press the  joint a little so
that the joint get some  grip,

then inserted inside the  machine.

After putting inside the
machine in this  way, the

machine has to be pressed with
your  hands.

In this way, when you press,
this joint  will be done easily,

maybe when you are doing  it,
you are not able to put all

your strength  together, then
hit the machine two or three


If  you hit once, then good
finishing will come, if you  are

not able to hit then if you hit
two or three  times, then the

finishing will be a little less,
but  the work will still be done

there is no  problem.

This way it’s a great fitting.
This way  our rope is ready no

matter what the  method,
whatever the rope is

come in the future  or whatever

the fabric like polyester,
satin,  China satin, or cotton

rope, you have to keep this  way,
this will be maintained, the

first you have  to cut the rope
by heating, then the rope has

to  be burnt and joint

by addin the hook and then  you
have to fit it inside the

machine, now in  this machine
fits a 12mm rope inside and

also  16mm and 20mm i.e. 20mm
rope also fits.

You don’t  have to do anything,
just grab it from here with  a

cutting plier or any other tool
and loose it  from the top and

bottom and these are our  bits,
they have to be fitted up and

down and it  is always set from
the set.

If you want, you can  also
purchase the set from us


Let  me tell you one fitting how
to remove 12mm, 16mm and  20mi

and how to remove and fit the
new  die

I am giving another safety tip

when  you are not using the
machine, then you can use  cover

the machine like this

Keep it  covered, the safety of
you and the people around  you

will be safe, take any small
cartoon and cover  it in this way.

just take the spanner and  losen
the bit and the upper die bit

opens as  easily. it is in this
way, just by hand you can  open

this way.

And when you are putting  a new
die, then put it in the same way

Fix it  like screw system

No matter which die you  take,

may come in the future, you may
take any  die

the procedure is the same

And when  fitting the bottom,
put the top die in such a  way

and as soon as you feel that
yes it is  perfectly fitted,

tight the screw slightly and
keep  the handle

Press down so that its position
is  fixed

It is a very simple way, you
can do it very  easily without

even looking at it, it is not  a
very complicated method, in

this way, when you  press it
from above, you will get

confidence that  yes, it has fit
perfectly and this is a  very

simple way.

One is our tag cutting  machine
and another one is tag joining

machine,  which is in the same
machine, the other is  tag

fitting machine, joint machine
which is used  to fix joints

There is a lot of raw  material
inside, the most common and

normal is  this is the sleeve
rope, it is also called  tube

rope and on top of it, the
normal ordinary  joint is fitted

this is a metal sheet,  some
people call it a notch.

This is called  joint.

Some people also call it a
metal part, so  it is just a

joint and at the bottom you can
put  a clip or hook on it and

put both of them  together,
whatever method you want.

Yes, the  machine will remain
the same, after that comes  the

normal our Indian satin
material, which is an  Indian


This item is very bright,  on
top of it is the 12mm ordinary

joint, you can  also put a
special joint, it will improve

the  quality and here you can
add an ordinary hook  or

something else like this.

liver hook  or like this fish
hook, we have different  sizes

inside liver hook and fish  hook

and 20mm has diffrent size

So you  can make this
combination in any color of  any

kind and this is our premium
satin, this is  our premium

satin, which comes in matte
finish,  this is also made in

India manufacured  products

here on 20mm tag we have  used

for 12mm tag you have to use

as  the size of the tag you much
use the same size raw  material

to joint, in the liver hook
also has  qualities

there are also qualities inside
the  liver hooks, this is the

joint, there are also  qualities
inside it, this is the crope,

there are  also qualities inside
it and there are many  colors

inside the ropes, so there is a
complete  multiplier like this.

Off options and if you  also
work as a multi-color tag, then

the  processor is also same for

And this way you  can make it

Now I give you ideas  about
different types of joints and

different  types of hooks

Basically inside the joints,  we
have two varieties and three

sizes inside in  them two

One is the Ordinary  Joint,
which looks like this, which we

also  supply ordinary joint
within 12mm, where there  is

more competition, where cheaper
product is  required, if the

school budget is less, then  we
use these teeth joint

You are seeing the  material,
which has teeth inside the

joint , we  call it as ordinary
and this metal is very  easily

organized, see it is being
presented very  easily.

Right and the same is ours next
joint,  which is zinc coated


This is zinc  coated joint it is
made of stainless steel and  it

is not easy to press, even if
you put a lot of  effort, you

can not press it  easily.

Because it is very strong and
when you  put it in the joint

machine, it presses  properly
and there are no teeth inside

it,  because it does not have
teeth inside, then  its

finishing is very good and it
doesn’t bend  easily

Once you fix it inside the
joint machine,  it holds the

rope well, there are two
varieties  inside the joint, one

is ordinary and one  is
stainless steel or  special


ordinary joint will  start
catching a little rust inside

it, or start  getting a little
brownish, it will become 100%

if  there is a lot of rainy
season around you or there is  a

beach around you like
Visakhapatnam area or there  is

an area like Goa, Bombay.

If the  river and humidity are
high, then there is a lot  of

corrosion, so we tell all that
customers to  buy stainless

steel and it has zinc coating
on it  gives a good metallic

finish and the rust will  not
catch quickly.

so this was about joints in  the
same way, now let’s talk about

the hooks.

We  have a lot of variety even
inside the  hooks.

twisted hook

Then this  is

Liver Hook

Some people also call it  a dog
hook, then this is fish hook,

some people  also call it crane
hook, because, it looks like  a

crane, then there will be three
varieties  inside the hooks

under the special  category
category and if the competition

is high,  if you want cheaper,
then it is ordinary  hook.

These ordinary hooks mean that
there are  such ropes of three

rupees, two rupees, they  have
to be supplied in that range,

so for them we  give it such a
cheap hook, if you want  quality,

then we give it a twist hook
and who  need a little more

quality and professional  look.

we give liver for them and IT
companies are  there, then they

want very high finishing  goods,
then we give them a chrome

coated fish  hook, in the fish
hook also there are many


This  is because IT companies
use more, so they keep  the

highest quality goods and there
is a lot more  high finish in it.

What a good reflection is

So  this is the product and the
video I told you today was  a

demo of the entire metal
fittings and metal  hooks and

there is an even bigger range
of  plastic fittings and plastic

hooks, there is a  separate
machine for this and a separate

video  will be made for it.

And soon I will also make  that
video and give it to you,

nowadays there is  a lot of
trend of plastic hook, but the

wholesale  market of metal hook
metal joint is high, in  this

way we have different types of
plastic  hooks.

central joints and three parts
joint, 12mm  U turn, plain hooks,

plastic hooks and nylon  tags.
We have sticker clips,  metal


In this way, we also have  a key
chain ring is also being used

nowadays, for  replacement of ID
card hooks and in the same  way

plastic, what do they say?

Is it  plastic hooks

We have horse hook or full
fitting,  in which there is no

need to join the  rope

Without machines, they are
joined but their  strength is

also slightly less.

If you  have a little knowledge
in Tayloring, then we  have

these stitching hooks, they are
also  available in all sizes,

that I am telling you is  within

rope is also availble in  12mm,

And it is not necessary that
when  you are making a rope like

this, you have to put a  twisted
hook or liver hook or fish hook,

if you  want, you can also
attach the direct holder, in

this  way we have also attached
our direct holder.

It  has been attached, so that
the customer is

He can  pick up the tag and give
it to his students, who  will

not play with any kind of hook
and will not  rotate their ID

card quickly, for them the
entire  ID card is a single

piece, ID card that we  supply
to the companies are different

the rope is  different , and the
holder is different, when  you

are supplying to the school,
the whole tag is  a single piece,

so the children who are a
little  careless will not move

this thing and the school  also
has the same demand.

This was a small demo  of how to
make a ID card tag, what are

the raw  material used inside
the ID card and what kind of

fitting  machines are used, we
have variants of many  more

fitting machines,

Like we also  have this
reveating machine, but I will

make a  separate video for you
about it, but if you work as  an

ID card, then we have many
products for you.  we have

button badge machines, papers
cutters,  laminators

We have die cutters of
different size  in round shap

and rectangel shape, we have
satin,  polyster belt of 35mm

The role of the subscription  is
satin 12mm,16mm, and 20mm rolls

so that you  can make good tags
for your corporate  customers.

we have many sheet for making
PVC ID  card in inkjet printers

There is more variety of  inkjet
sheets and if you work as a

school diary,  we have

There are also such binding
machines,  spiral binding, that

binding and if you run a  CSC
center, then we also have

direct card  printers for you,
there is no shortage of

products,  there is no shortage
of ideas, you can come to  our

showroom anytime which  is

Inside Secunderabad and if  you
want, you can also join our

Telegram channel  or Instagram
channel, where we regularly

provide  updates of such
business. Thank you for

watching  Abhishek Products by S.

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